Thursday, May 13, 2010


Hi all,

Yes, I know my next word was supposed to be "vital." And I know it's been far too long since I posted. The business trip has come and gone, hubby's pulled muscle is better, some doctors' appointments have been checked off and others added, programs are progressing, and life goes on.

But life doesn't always go on, does it? Tuesday, May 11, we lost a member of our family - our beloved Abby, the BEST dog ever. "Sweet spirit" are the words that keep coming to mind as Guy and I reminisce about what a jewel she was - for all 15 years and 9 months of her life. If "dog years" are really accurate, that puts her at about 110 years old and I think she was feeling it the last few days.

Somehow she knew "mommy" was out of town but would be back in time to say goodbye. Somehow she knew that when we picked up her leash Tuesday morning, she should head to the garage door where the car was, rather than to the front door to walk or the back door to go potty. Somehow she knew it was okay to go to the vet this time - there was no trembling as there usually was on the ride there - just riding in the back seat with mom, all windows down and a beautiful breeze filled with wonderful smells. Somehow she knew that she could eat as much of the cantaloupe as she wanted at the vet's office (yes, that was her favorite food and I took a bowl of it along for her). Somehow she knew she could trust our wonderful vet, Dr. Alan, as he gave her a sedative to just relax her. And somehow she knew as we sat stroking her beautiful coat and talking (rather loudly, since she had trouble hearing), that she could not have been more loved over those nearly-sixteen years.

So this post is a tribute to Abby and all the wonderful fur-covered family members many of us have. There will forever be an Abby-shaped hole in my heart.

Goodbye, Big Dog. We will always love you.

Linda (also known as "Abby's mom")
(The picture shows her with the proverbial "lampshade" as she was dealing with itching from an allergy last year, but I wanted you all to see her beautiful face!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, It's Candee. We met at the leadership workshop in Erlanger, KY. I enjoyed the workshop so much. As I read your post about Abby a song came to mind. Sweet, Sweet Spirit is a hymn and I think it fits this situation perfectly. It is my favorite hymn and always makes me feel better when I sing it. I appreciate all that you do everyday for every person you encounter. I am glad to have met you and look forward to seeing you in the fall at another workshop. Hope you are comforted.

