Thursday, January 10, 2013


Well, well, well - I've done it again! How could so many months have gone by between posts?? I guess it's called life...between school, work, and just taking care of the house, spouse, and fur-kids, life has been pretty full. Add to that a bout with kidney stones, an emergency appendectomy in October, and a couple of family members and close friends who have been seriously ill, and the blog got left behind!

However...!  I'm b-a-a-a-a-a-a-c-k :-) ~ it feels good. And why am I excited? I'm looking forward to a great 2013 with lots of fun training jobs already scheduled here in Florida, up in Alabama, and hopefully, WAY up in Chicago this summer! AND school will be over in 93 days - count 'em...93 days! WOW. I'm not sure I'll know what to do with myself...HA!

I graduate April 14, and on April 15 (or close to it!), we'll be making a trip to the Humane Society to find the newest member of our happy family...a doggie. We lost Abby almost 3 years ago - I've missed her every single day and we are ready for another furry friend. So just getting out of school and adding a new member to the family are 2 things to be excited about...

BUT...I'm also starting to put out a few feelers for writing again. Oh my, how I've missed that! Keep me in your thoughts - I've applied for a residency at Wildacres in NC to complete my devotional. I've gotten calls from all over the country from people who have read Grover's story (our crippled cat) and my bio in Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul. I mentioned in my bio in that book (and a few others that had my stories in them and were published around that time) that I am working on a devotional and several people have taken the time to call me and ask where they can buy it - one fairly recently even though the book has been around for awhile - so I really want to finish it and try to get it published.

And of course, I'm always excited about my training workshops and webinars. Much of my work is with libraries and they are such a great group to work with - always wanting to learn and kind of people! I'm developing a new program on Servant Leadership that may just be one of my very favorites by the time I'm finished with it. But then, I say that about a lot of my programs. Obviously, I'm excited about what I do "for a living" and I know how lucky I am to feel that way!

So what are you excited about for 2013?

Here's wishing you good health, all of your needs met - and then some - and friends and family around to enjoy it with!

Until next time (which I really hope will be before 2014!!)...

(P. S. Google has changed how the blog works and I'm not sure I'll be able to upload any new pictures :-(, but I'll keep trying! The one here may be a repeat - but it's still gorgeous!)

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